Thursday, October 25, 2007

the shade

we learned how to do new shading techniques in class

Thursday, October 11, 2007

the metamorphasis

in class we were given an assignment to merge two other classmate's project into one and to also do two more iterations to show the development over time. i chose Nacarra's pencil box and Sarah Easterling's memory container to work with. enjoy...

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

the memory

our assignment was to create an object that contains a memory of ours. mine was of the first time that i heard an acoustic guitar. the lines represent the different sound waves coming together to form a beautiful chord. each line is layered so that it shows the depth of the sound.

the zine

in class we had to make a short magazine ( a zine ) on 10 architectural buildings. (mine reads from right to left, just for fun.) enjoy...